5SOS okay so there's this new band called 5SOS or 5 Seconds of Summer. They're from Sydney, Australia (so they have supahhh cute accents)and the band includes *drum roll* Luke Hemmings - Vocals Calum Hood - Bass, Vocals Michael Clifford - Guitar, Vocals Ashton Irwin - Drummer ~and yesyesyesyesyesyes they are a boy band~
but they only have like 4 songs out in the USA, but you can find the rest on youtube (:
ANNNNND they also do covers of songs and Luke's voice is perfect and like asdfghjkl
They where formed in 2011 and yeahh they've come a long way and now they are going on a tour with One Direction in the US and Europe and I'm sosooso excited for them yay