Monday, November 11, 2013

Yeezus and Lady Gaga???

Kanye West

Im pretty sure we've all heard of our beloved rapper Kanye or Yeezus as some people like to call him ( shardul). He was all over the news not so long ago about his marriage proposal to Kim, and even before that he was getting interviews on his baby North West, but what I really wanted to get at was his music.

Kanye West has been singing for a pretty long while. He got a lot of recognition in 2001 when he sang or rapped or whatever in one of Jay-z's songs. From there his carrier carried him up to this point where he is now, being recognized for his album Yeezus (thats where he got his nickname).

Kanye's songs include:
  • Black Skinhead
  • New Slaves
  • Blood on the Leaves 
  • Stronger
  • Nillas in Paris
  • Mercy
  • Clique 
But like seriously Kanye scares me alot cuz he always looks super mad and I would just like to point this out not sure if its true or not but I feek like hes always doing the Bieber stare/glance/look thingy
Maybe its just Jsutin thats the one copying the glade/look thingy but yeah

Lady Gaga

So this one is going to be shorty because I jut wanted to let y'all know that Lady Gaga's new full album came out and everything. I found this out shortly after I wrote the first part to this post so I anted to let you guys know. I woud listen to these songs first because there the ones I liked:

  • Dope 
  • Jewels N' Drugs 
  • Gypsy
  •  G.U.Y ( really inapropriate tho so idk why I even listened to it)
  • Do What U Want
and yeah thats baically all I was able to listen to...Bye!!!!

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